Friday, 5 June 2015

Acts 435 Event

Thrive Together Birmingham are hosting an event to promote a website called Acts435 that enables people to give directly to people with a particular need.
It may be a useful resource for your church to be linked to.
 Monday 29th June from 6pm – 9pm
 Balsall Heath Church Centre 100 Mary St, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. B12 9JU
A light dinner will be provided
Acts 435 is a website that enables people to give directly to support a person or family with a specific need. Churches and projects act as the go-between, advocating on behalf of someone, placing a request of financial support for them, receiving the money and supporting the person in need to spend it on what it is intended for.
Currently there are no churches and projects registered as advocates in the West Midlands and so Acts 435 are keen to recruit in Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull.
This event is an opportunity to hear about this resource and how it works, and how to sign your church or project up as an advocate able to place requests on behalf of people in need in your neighbourhood.
For more information visit the website:
Dinner will be provided so please register for the event so that we know how many to cater for.

To register for the event contact Debbie at or call 0121 426 0442.

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